Dr. Carroll was born to the proud parents of [deceased] Elmer James Carroll and JoAnn Carroll October 5, 1964. Since early childhood, Dr. Carroll has shown musical talents and abilities by frequently participating in school plays and singing in school events. Dr. Carroll has also taken formal piano lessons and is in the process of completing her music degree. Dr. Carroll has written many songs and has already released a worship CD, along with the T.O.U.C.H. Worship Team. Simply Rhonda CD project, however, was strictly dedicated to her lovely mother, Dr. JoAnn Carroll, affectionately known as "Mother Carroll." Dr. Carroll's expertise has created an extensive community involvement portfolio. She sang in the college choir for several semesters and later auditioned for the Chamber Singers and was accepted. She has also directed and coordinated large musical teams, while implementing worship teams in churches and other venues. While Dr. Carroll's musical experience is vast, she is also extremely gifted in areas of leadership, communication, mentoring/coaching, pastoral consultant, pastoral care, to name a few. Dr. Carroll is a Community Chaplain with the Law Enforcement Chaplaincy- Sacramento (LEC-S); member of several organizations as the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF), Wholeness, Inc. Board Member, and American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC).
She is the founder and CEO of Dr. Rhonda E. Carroll Ministries and other affiliations under its umbrella is T.O.U.C.H. Ministries (Teaching Others to Understand Christ's Heart), T.O.U.C.H. Institute, T.O.U.C.H. Ministry Team, T.O.U.C.H. Worship Team and others. Dr. Carroll has influenced countless lives through her warm yet determined guided hand to see the best potential pulled out of people! She also holds several degrees in Theology, Christian Counseling, Religious Studies, Religious Education and Pastoral Care. Because Dr. Carroll has been such a high achiever, she has inspired many to complete school, to publish books (she is a published author, of a book entitled, THE BEAUTY IN THE WOMB-MAN), and to record their music. She is an international traveler, speaker and orator. Dr. Carroll has traveled across the world, spreading the good news of Jesus through word and song. She has completed missionary trips to Haiti , the Fiji Islands ; hosted as keynote speaker for crusades in Europe ( England ). Even with all of her accomplishments and achievements, Dr. Carroll is down-to-earth and loves people. She desires to see many embrace the words of scripture of being increased 1,000 times more and being blessed as He’s promised (Deut. 1:11).